Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is RapidBargain a fraud or a scam???

What is a RapidBargain?

RapidBargain is an auctioning website which mainly sells electronics(mp3s, Ipods), Games and Systems(Ps3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS...) at very cheap prices.

So, is RapidBargain a fraud?

No, but it is too good to be true...

The Rules are quite unfair and here are the main ones:

You must buy bids bundles to be able to bid. Smallest Package $20 for 25 bids.

If you have bid on an item and you have lost, the money is banked, but you can only re-use that money on RapidBargain Auctions.

I bid $150 on a Nintendo Wii, I decided to give up and let the other guy win. So, the money was banked back into my account, but I was only allowed to spend that money for bidding on another item.

You only have 30 Days to win another item with the money banked back into your account or it will go back to RapidBargain.

If you decide to stop signing up for RapidBargain and you decide to delete you account, all the remaining bids will be gone.

So those are the main reasons why people are claiming that RapidBargain is really bad and stuff...

So from now onwards, if you see a really good auctioning website always research it before you start an account.

Hope this Post helps... Please comment your opinion... Thanks for Reading

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